
Get up to 90% off in the Christmas sale at CDKeys

Ends: Fri, Jan 3, 2025, 9 used Today
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Ps plus products at CDKeys from $5

Ends: Wed, Jan 1, 2025
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Pc games at CDKeys from $1

Ends: Wed, Jan 1, 2025
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Xbox games at CDKeys just $2

Ends: Wed, Jan 1, 2025
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Grab Helldivers 2 at CDKeys for 36% less in the sale

Ends: Fri, Jan 10, 2025
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Exclusions may apply. For further details, please check the retailer's website.


What kind of deals can I find in CDKeys sales?

CDKeys also huge savings in sales, particularly around seasonal events such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday. We've previously seen offers for up to 90% off titles across genres & platforms at key retailing seasons, so checking in around these dates is a great way to save.

What is CDKeys Rewards?

CDKeys Rewards is the retailer's loyalty scheme, which is free to join and available through their website. Frequent purchases through CDKeys will earn you reward points, which are awarded based on how much you spend, with customers earning more the more they spend. Points can be redeemed against orders in exchange for discounts. What's more, repeated purchases will move you up through the ranks of CDKeys' rewards scheme. As you move up, you'll earn additional CDKoins, giving you a little back for repeat purchases.

Does CDKeys offer refunds?

Refunds can be requested but are not guaranteed. Once you redeem a digital key, the purchase cannot be refunded at all. If you have not redeemed the digital key yet, you have 7 days from the time of purchase to submit a refund request. Depending on your payment provider, once CDKeys has processed your refund it may take up o 10 days for you to receive it. 

How do I contact CDKeys customer service?

Sometimes things don’t always go as planned, so if you need assistance with your purchase or have questions about your digital key, you can always reach out to the customer support team. You can get in touch with the customer service team by either calling +1 (855) 534-4806 or emailing The CDKeys customer service team can also be reached using the contact form on the CDKeys website.

Hints and tips

Check out CDKeys Daily Deals: Every day, CDKeys will highlight titles that are available at a discounted rate. These are found under the Daily Deals section of the website. As the name suggests, there are new deals added to the selection daily so be sure to check back frequently for new titles. The games will be listed on a regional basis, so be sure to check the location dropdown for a complete list.

Look for CDKeys Red Tag Deals: Games and titles marked with a red tag in the corner of the product image are included in Red Tag Deals, which offer additional and usually sizeable discounts. If you want to save money, keep an eye out for the red tags while browsing through the content selection.

Download and install the CDKeys Chrome extension: CDKeys offers a free extension for the Google Chrome web browser. With this extension, you can quickly check to see if a given title is available at CDKeys for purchase. This can save you tons of money that would otherwise be spent on hard copies of games.

Follow CDKeys on social media: Users who follow CDKeys on social media can get exclusive access to the latest offers, discounts, and sitewide sales. There are profiles available on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter that can be followed for the latest updates and deals.

How to use CDKeys coupons

1. Find a CDKeys coupon code you want to redeem and click "Get Code".

2. Copy the code to your clipboard, then head to the CDKeys website to start shopping.

3. Add the items you want to your shopping cart as you go, then click on it to review your order once you're ready to pay.

4. Find the “Add Discount Code” option and enter the coupon code in the box.

5. Click “Apply Discount Code" to change your order total.

6. Proceed through the rest of the checkout as normal to place your order and enjoy your discount.

How we source coupon codes

Tom’s Hardware has a coupons team dedicated to finding the latest and best codes for each of our pages. Through partnerships with retailers, our affiliate networks, and searching the web, we find the most recent ways to save on online orders, including any exclusive codes our commercial team negotiates. We then upload the latest codes & promotions to our pages, refreshing them twice a week.

How we test coupon codes

Our dedicated coupons team tests each code before they’re uploaded to our pages to ensure they will be accepted at the checkout. Coupons can include the likes of free shipping, student discounts, multibuy offers and more, and you’ll find applicable codes for products & services across all categories. However, we don’t list any one-time use or user-specific codes - this is to make sure each code is available for everyone who visits our site to use

For the sake of clarity, we also include key information about each coupon, such as expiry dates and any terms & conditions, on the page. We update this information whenever we become aware of any changes, with each page updated twice a week. You can read the terms & conditions for an offer by looking for the corresponding text and clicking it to expand the terms section. This text can be found near the ‘Get Code’ button. 

What to do if a coupon code doesn’t work

Despite our team regularly refreshing our pages and testing every code before upload, every now and then a coupon may not work as intended. Retailers can change expiry dates or terms & conditions before pages can be updated, offers can expire, or a coupon can no longer be accepted. If you have any issues using one of our codes, our team is on hand to help. 

It’s always best to start by double-checking a code’s terms & conditions to make sure your order meets the requirements. Click “View terms and conditions” to expand the code section. Here you’ll find all available information on your chosen offer. Discounts may be product-specific (i.e. 10% off PC cases), have an associated minimum order value (i.e. spend $30 or more), or require verification (i.e. register with a valid student or workplace email address). 

If you comply with all listed requirements and your discount is still not being applied, send an email to our team at and we can help. Let us know which code you are trying to use and which page it’s listed on, and customer support will reply as soon as possible to assist. 

How we make money 

Tom’s Hardware earns money from coupon pages on a commission basis. For every coupon page on our site, we have negotiated a deal with that retailer. Whenever someone places an order with that brand and applies one of our codes to their cart, we earn a percentage of the final order total back in commission. 

The good news? This means that we offer our codes without charging any fees. Redeeming a discount listed on Tom’s Hardware is always free - all you will need to pay is a discounted price for whatever items you want to buy. 

If you're looking for more information on Tom's Hardware coupons, you can also read more about How We Source Coupon Codes and How to Use Them on our dedicated page.

Ash Hill
Contributing Writer

Ash Hill is a contributing writer for Tom's Hardware with a wealth of experience in the hobby electronics, 3D printing and PCs. She manages the Pi projects of the month and much of our daily Raspberry Pi reporting while also finding the best coupons and deals on all tech.

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About CDKeys

CDKeys is an online gaming retailer and has been in business for more than 20 years, providing gamers with content for a myriad of systems and platforms. Instead of selling physical copies of games, they specialize in digital download codes, eliminating the need to wait for your game to ship. Digital keys are emailed directly to customers, letting you start installing your new game moments after you've made your purchase. Customers will find titles from big name & indie studios alike, with versions for all major game consoles including Xbox, PlayStation & Nintendo Switch. CDKeys also sells memberships, store points & other digital goods such as Xbox Live points & subscriptions and PlayStation Network cards. PC users can also buy games, expansion packs, and more for several platforms like Steam, Origin, Google Play, and iTunes. If you're after a game or digital code, check out our CDKeys discount codes on this page to see what kind of savings they can offer.

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Ash Hill Ash Hill Contributing Writer

Ash Hill is a contributing writer for Tom's Hardware with a wealth of experience in the hobby electronics, 3D printing and PCs. She manages the Pi projects of the month and much of our daily Raspberry Pi reporting while also finding the best coupons and deals on all tech.